With careful watershed planning, we can do more than just protect the water, plants and animals that depend on the Poudre River. We can help protect the physical, chemical, and biological components of our watershed and restore those that have already been degraded.
With our stakeholder committees and partners, we have completed resiliency plans for both the Upper and Lower Cache la Poudre River watersheds. We use these plans to guide our work across the watershed.
Together, over two full days in January and February of 2023, Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW) staff and Board of Directors worked to develop this 5-year strategic plan with a 50-year vision of the Watershed in mind.
Upper Poudre Watershed Resilience Plan (2024)
This document presents an analysis of conditions in the Upper Poudre Watershed and recommends treatments and strategies to improve long-term watershed resilience. The analysis that formed the basis of this plan leads to the identification of specific target areas and prioritization of actions within those areas that would increase watershed resilience.
Lower Poudre Watershed Resilience Plan (2017)
The historical flood events of 2013 called for an increase in resiliency of the Lower Poudre Watershed. This was done using an integrated multi-objective Master Plan to assess river dynamics and a Sediment Transport Model in order to propose realistic restoration options around the river corridor.
High Park Post-fire Prioritization plan
We worked with our stakeholders to identify remaining post-fire priorities by combining the following: lists of potential projects identified by stakeholders, a desktop analysis and field data collection and rapid assessment from priority areas identified in the desktop analysis.
The goal of this plan is to create a planning foundation for future implementation of watershed health restoration activities that will protect and increase the resilience of the Poudre watershed.
State of the Upper Poudre River Watershed: A River Health Assessment
The State of the Upper Poudre River Watershed study represents the third and final segment in the initial assessment of the health of the entire length of the Poudre River, from its mountain headwaters to its confluence with the South Platte on the plains east of Greeley.
Site Conservation Team (SCT) - Preble’s Jumping Mouse
The US Fish & Wildlife Service (US FWS) is taking a new approach to species conservation through locally formed Site Conservation Teams (SCT). The first team—targeting Preble’s Meadow Jumping Mouse (PMJM)—was established in the Cache la Poudre River Basin in 2019. The SCT includes representation from local landowners, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, including CPRW. The Poudre SCT aims to work with the local community to achieve the best solutions for people and PMJM.
One of 12 recognized subspecies of the species Z. hudsonius, or meadow jumping mouse, the Preble's meadow jumping mouse is named after Edward A. Preble, who first encountered the species in Colorado in 1899. (Photo credit: Center for Biological Diversity)